Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year. I can’t wait to hear from our students about their summer
adventures, which I am sure there were many.
For those returning students and families, we look forward to continue to serve you and your child, by
providing a unique educational experience, for those who are new we are excited to get to know you
and your child, we are here to support and assist you/your child as they transition to a new school. Our
staff is committed to providing the best educational experience possible.
There have been some changes at McNeal that we need to inform you about.
1. Ms. Garcia has transitioned to the cafeteria and is no longer in the classroom.
2. Ms. Castillo is no longer with us the grant she was working under has come to completion.
3. Your children will now have a specials period daily for 30 minutes, we will begin the school
year going over the six Character Ed pillars, then transition to our special periods which will be
PE, Spanish, Keyboarding, and Art.
4. We will also have music/choir twice a week for both K-5 and 6-8.
5. We are in the process of installing new K-2 playground equipment, please bear with us as this
6. Mrs. Zamora will now be the head teacher as I am now also helping Double Adobe Elementary.
Just a reminder that we are going into our 2nd year of the new math program, the staff continues to
receive professional development in order that they can become even better math instructors making
our students stronger mathematicians. We will be focusing on developing our students’ academic math
vocabulary throughout the year, please begin to help your child.
Activities for the week of Aug. 5-8:
1. Wednesday, Aug. 7 from 6-7pm Meet/Greet/Eat night – please come and meet your child’s
teacher and get familiar with our school/staff
2. Benchmark Assessment – Isteep
We are all looking forward to having a great school year and remember make sure that your child reads
at home as much as possible. Also please attend our various activities throughout the year.
Go Falcons!!
R. Aguallo
4 Day Week:
McNeal Elementary is now on a 4 day week. Mon. – Thurs. 8:00am – 3:15pm.-
Modified Day Release is 1:30 p.m.
Our school day begins at 8:00AM every day. Do not bring your child to campus prior to 7:45, as this brief time is the teachers prep time and time when I can work with the teachers individually. Please be sure to have your child/children here on time. Students who are consistently tardy are at a clear disadvantage and usually arrive feeling agitated and unprepared. All students who arrive after 8:25am must sign in at the office with a parent. If your child is sick please report the absence by 9:30am by calling the office, (520-642-1071). If you drop your child off by car please remember to be extra careful, as we have many students who are walking to school, buses entering campus and other parents dropping off their child also.
Our instructional programs each year are structured to ensure that all our kids continue to receive a well-rounded and challenging education. Our standards and expectations remain high! As always, our number one goal is providing our students with a quality educational experience in a safe, caring and nurturing environment. We are beginning a new updated math curriculum this year, so there will be some new challenges for all students and teachers.
Currently, McNeal Elementary provides all classroom supplies. Due to cutbacks in education, supplies are growing shorter in supply, so if you would like to donate additional supplies to your child’s classroom, it would be most appreciated, Kleenex and disinfectant wipes are usually the supplies most needed. Please label personal belongings such as jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes, and backpacks.
Parents should continue to follow symptom guidelines when their child should stay home:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea