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Fast Facts:
Attached is a copy of “Myths and Facts” sheet put together by Dr. Tim Ham of Mesa Unified School District. This document discusses adequate funding, current spending in Arizona in comparison to the U.S. Average, accountability systems, top heavy administration, Public Schools vs. Charter Schools, poor academic performance, and Common Core implementation.
Beginning in 2014-2015 students in grades 3- 8 will be assessed under PARCC – Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career. According to the ADE:
McNeal Elementary School District has changed and aligned all curriculums to meet the new Common Core Standards. Over the last three years, the District has approved the alignment of all curriculums from grades K- 8th. The primary purpose of cross grade alignment is for continuity from one grade to the next and familiarity of the context for our students. In this process, the District has also changed the benchmark assessment criteria in Galileo to make accurate assessments of student’s progress based on the new Common Core Standards. Galileo is a “data-driven standards-aligned approach” that provides teachers with a “complete and fully integrated assessment, curriculum, and reporting system that links assessment, planning, individualization and program progress.” For more information on Galileo visit:
In addition to the alignment of curriculum and update to school benchmark assessments, the staff of McNeal Elementary has organized and implemented a Professional Development Leadership Academy (PDLA). In August 2010, McNeal Elementary School began a three year program which uses data to identify the needs of the students and the school. Using data, the PDLA team identified Mathematics as an area of need for our students. The decision was made to use Marzano’s 6 Steps to Teaching Vocabulary as the tool to implement the innovation. In the beginning stages, the team faced two challenges:
In the beginning stages, the data and justifications were submitted to Arizona Department of Education PDLA staff and coaches. The data was reviewed, and the District received approval of the innovation. The team believed based on data and student comments, that mathematics vocabulary was not consistently transitioned from one grade to the next. Marzano’s 6 step strategy was chosen as the tool to drive instruction when introducing a new mathematics term, and a grade level vocabulary assessment tool was developed by teachers to assess progress. Galileo benchmark data was also used to identify students’ academic need, as well as to identify students who may be considered “at-risk”, in which academic area, and in which standards. These assessments and data provided teachers with a way to make adjustments and/or provide additional academic support immediately versus waiting for the end of the year for AIMS scores. During this three year process, the PDLA team has invited parents and community to gallery walks and question/answer sessions with extremely low attendance. The team is committed to providing parents with as much information as possible; all parents grades K-8 may request their child/children’s Vocabulary Assessment results and Galileo benchmark scores.
Professional Development Leadership Academy is a research based program that is supported and partly funded by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). According to ADE:
For more information on PDLA:
School Bus Purchase:
From August 2011 to September 2012, the District spent $18,277.93 on vehicle repairs for the 2005 Thomas. Although this vehicle was the District’s newest bus, it had become the most costly to maintain and the least reliable. The money used over that 13 month time period is nearly the amount of 1 year payment for the new 2014 Bluebird. In the event the District chose not to purchase the Bluebird, the Thomas would have decreased in value, receiving less for a trade-in and there was a great probability of more costly repairs as the bus aged.
Fiscal Year Tax Rate Budget High School Tuition
2010 9.1620 $741,638 $181,192
2011* 8.9098 $845,844 $251,206
2012 8.0630 $723,012 $227,630
2013* 8.0630 $775,448 $190,910
2014 8.0630 $667,506 $147,581
2015 8.0630 $671,712 $150,369
2016 8.0630 $700,757 $176,392
2017 8.0630 $752,920 $227,088
2018 8.0630 $860,000 $210,803
2019* 8.0630 $886,594 $146,605
*Includes budget availability for financial audit as required by law.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns over any information that has been provided and/or any issue you would like to discuss (520) 642-3356. Thank you.